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    « Leta and Elisa are On a Quest: Who Really Makes Our Food? | Main | A Conversation with Jean Shinoda Bolen and Women Leading the Way »

    March 01, 2009


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    Marsha Lanier

    Thanks for your excellent show today on KVMR. And for this great blog post!

    She's Geeky conferences are an example of women doing great things with social media and other Web. 2.0 tools.

    Kaliya Hamlin, an award winning tech consultant, organizes this event several times each year to allow women in the tech field (and beyond) to learn from each other.

    She and her colleagues, myself included, create wikis from each conference so that we can continue the learning.

    Several organizers from the non-profit social justice world presented there on using Web 2.0 tools for social change.

    Women are changing the world using social media every day!

    Including you!

    Great show!

    Thanks again,
    Marsha Lanier, MSW

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