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    « Today On See Jane Do: Setting a Deadline to End Breast Cancer | Main | Extraordinary Jane - Denise Linn »

    October 11, 2010


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    Don Pelton

    In the broadcast I was interested to hear Gloria Feldt remark on a new generation of men who are interested in playing a different role, a more power-sharing role (my paraphrase because I can't remember her exact words).

    I was particularly struck by her implication that this is a completely new development among men, because I was active in what we called "the men's movement" back in the 1970s, inspired by the feminist movement of that time.

    I took care of our two year-old daughter and six year-old son fulltime for a year, was involved in helping promote mens groups, and -- most importantly -- worked hard to uphold my end of a marriage based on the partnership model, a marriage now in its 45th year.

    I lost touch with the men I worked with in those years, and have a sense of a mens movement that either failed, or else succeeded so well that it disappeared into the culture. I was part of it but don't know exactly what happened to it!

    At least I can see that this model has made a difference in the lives of our children, who are now in their late thirties and early forties.

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