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    « TEDxGrassValley: Chameli Ardagh - The Fierce Face of the Feminine | Main | See Jane Do's Top Seven Take Aways from 2010 »

    December 20, 2010


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    Anna Haynes

    Jane (Elisa?), every time I see a large local gathering of well-meaning people - as at TEDx, as at Wild&Scenic - I yearn for (part of) it to be an Open Space Technology-style "unconference".

    If we're serious about empowering people - which we need to be - wouldn't it be best, not just to show us people/groups who are "points of light", but also to facilitate our (i.e. your attendees') self-organization into groups that could brainstorm & achieve local (& other) good?

    I know I've suggested this locally before, but I don't think I've suggested it to you. So....?

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