Join us on KVMR 89.5 from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. PDT for a special episode of See Jane Do. We're featuring women who are building and growing community together including special guests; actress and author Heather Donahue (of Blair Witch Project and Growgirl), Habitat for Humanity team members and female builders and farmers.
Thank you gifts for new and re-newing members of KVMR during See Jane Do today include:
See Jane Do Passion into Action Women's Conference Tickets
This year we are excited to take over downtown Grass Valley, CA! Our keynote speakers include: activist and musician Holly Near, renowned life coach, author and O Magazine Columnist Martha Beck, activist and author Frances Lappe, author and former CEO of Planned Parenthood Gloria Feldt, activist Osprey Lake, ecopreneur Lisa Kivirist, Girl Scouts Rhiannon and Madison (part of the Roots and Shoots team and getting Palm Oil out of GS Cookies), World Pulse Correspondents plus 24 incredible workshop leaders and The White House Project.
Full Conference Pass (Oct. 12th-14th, 2012): Contribution $149 Friday Night Oct. 12th Only with Frances Lappe + Expo: Contribution $60 Saturday Day Pass Oct. 13th Only with Martha Beck, Holly Near and 24 workshops: Contribution $89.50
Women Build Pink Tool Belt
EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think, to Create the World We Want by Frances Moore Lappe' (Diet for a Small Planet)
Angel Package: Incudes 1 full conference pass to Passion into Action, 1 Passion into Action VIP ticket with Holly Near and other special guests, 1 Women Build Tool Belt and signed copy of EcoMind by Frances Lappe'
Contribution: $365