How does a small group of moms change the
world? They start an online revolution of course. Yesterday on KVMR See Jane Do
featured the "godmother" of the online movement, Joan Blades.
As co-founder of
Joan took the intent of two and transformed it into the power hundreds of
thousands to become one of the fastest growing web-based organizations.
We met Joan in the Bay Area. She welcomed us into her home, showed us
photos of her children and the lovely jewelry she makes as a side hobby.
I couldn't help but think how this kind, creative woman literally changed the
face of politics and is inspiring the transformation of policies that supports social justice in the United States.
One of the commonalities I'm discovering amongst all of the everyday
extraordinary women we have met is that the passion they possess to make a
difference supersedes any sense of ego. It's not about them; it's about doing
what's right for the next generation.
It gives me goose bumps to think that woman like Joan Blades represent the
leadership that our country needs so much right now. The strengths we carry as
women, such as compassion, passion, nurturing, listening, intelligence,
empathy, and the ability to multi-task are the talents that will guide us
towards a better life for our families, community, and the planet.
Following, we met MomsRising members and staff members at the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) celebration. MomsRising submitted over 135,000 comments and signatures from members to support SCHIP.
To find out more about MomsRising and the great work they are doing (with the help of over 150,000 moms and caregivers) check out
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